Tag Archives: networking

10 Reasons I’m Thankful for Avon

There are many things I am thankful for: family, friends, food, shelter, etc.  However, instead of being thankful for these staples in life just one day a year, I am happy to have these things 365 days out of every year.

Which is why this year I’m thankful for Avon.  Here are 10 reasons why:

In a tough economy, I have a job.

Instead of blaming Wall Street for the reasons why I’m not employed, I took an opportunity that would help me become an entrepreneur under a well-respected Fortune 500 company name.  I’m thankful for the networking experience, income, and conversation-starter on my resume that has helped me land an internship in a book publishing company that I hope to work for in the near future.

My skin has never been clearer.

I didn’t have acne as an adolescent, but my pores rebelled against me during my stressful college years!  I was using prescribed topical acne products that my dermatologist gave me, and they still couldn’t get rid of those volcanoes.  My skin was always peeling, dry, raw, and the blemishes were painful!  This past summer, I decided to try the Anew Rejuvenate skincare regimen.  I figured I had nothing to lose, because I’ve tried everything on the shelves of my local pharmacy and had yet to see results.  After just one week, my pores looked smaller, my skin felt baby-smooth again, and the potential pimples remained dormant.  I also tested out Anew Genics, which has also yielded amazing results!

I get my favorite products at a discount.

I’m a bargain-hunter, and most of the time refuse to buy anything full price.  With Avon, there are always great deals!  I get a 40% discount on most products that are already on sale in the catalog.  For example, if I need a new Advance Techniques Lotus Shield treatment, it might be on sale for $9.99 in the catalog and I only have to pay $5.99.  Pretty sweet!

I meet new people all the time.

Whether I’m talking to the cashier that’s ringing up my grocery purchase, or attending Avon sales meetings, I’ve met a bunch of great people within the past 4 months.  It’s a great way to network and make new friends along the way.  I’m thankful for meeting inspirational people every day.

I’ve learned how to market myself as a brand.

I studied advertising in college, and now I get to take my marketing ideas and put them to good use for my business!  I’m your friendly neighborhood Redheaded Avon Rep, and that’s how I’m branded.  I gain new customers through interacting on Twitter, Facebook, and any time the media mentions something about Avon, beauty, or the sales business.  And of course, I write on this blog as well!  I’m thankful to finally use my skills to reach an audience!

I’m part of a company that gives back.

Ever heard of the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer? Speak Out Against Domestic Violence? Avon Voices? Did you know that Avon has helped the families of 9/11 victims recover from the horrible tragedy in 2001?  Avon does so much to give back and more!  It’s great to sell nail polish and other products that help support these projects!

I learned how to fund raise.

With Avon, I can provide an easy-to-use fundraising outlet that benefits both the organization I’m helping out and myself.  I learned how much work goes into these fundraisers!  I’m thankful for the lesson!

I get paid to talk about cool stuff!

Do you ever recommend hair products to your friends?  Before Avon, I did all the time!  Now, I can make a sale from these testimonies.

My family supports me.

One of my aunts hosted a party, my mom helps me take inventory, and other relatives and friends see how happy I am to reach my goals!

My holiday shopping is complete.

I always have a gift on hand, whether it’s for a party host or birthday, there’s something for everyone from Avon.  I’m thankful to avoid Black Friday like the plague and sit down, relax, and let the shoppers head over to my site to complete their shopping lists.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!