Tag Archives: Foot Works

Fundraising to Raise Funds

There are many strategies to attract new Avon customers, but I learned about one that could boost my sales and give back to the community.  Did you know that Avon has a fundraising program?  I didn’t until I became a representative!  It turns out that Avon’s fundraising program is easy to organize, profitable for both the representative and the organization, and offers quality products at an affordable price.

Check out the two flyers I used below:

Avon Color Fundraising Flyer

Avon Best of Fundraising Flyer

I asked my high school art teacher if Glen Rock needed any help with fundraising.  I brought in all the full size products that would be featured on the flyer, pitched why my fundraiser would be beneficial to the GRHS Class of 2013, and they accepted!  This was back in October, and as soon as I emailed the PDF file over to the school they got started.

Avon Color Fundraising Flyer

The Rep’s Benefits of an Avon Fundraiser

1.  The Avon rep can potentially make a lot of money with little amount of work involved.  Once the organization has the flyers, all you have to do is fill out the tax exemption forms and wait for your orders to come in.  It’s up to the organization to sell the products!  By registering the fundraiser with Avon, the rep automatically earns 50% commission for the placement in a given campaign.  Of the 50%, the rep decides how much of a cut the organization earns.  Because I was just starting out, I made 20% of total sales and GRHS made 30%.  I hoped the school would make at least $1,500 in sales, which would give me $300 and GRHS $450.  That’s a nice chunk of change!

2.  A rep can gain new customers for the future.  Let’s say the school sold the $1,500 from above.  They could achieve that amount by having 10 students selling to 10 customers with the average sales of $15 per customer.  So here’s the equation: 10 x 10 x 15 =1500.  Not only are you selling to the students, but they are selling to the people they know, so from this example I would gain 100 new customers.  If these customers love Avon, then I’d be in luck and be able to make a lot of money in the future when they order from me again!

3.  Fundraising helps boost sales volume and to reach President’s Club.  Avon’s President’s Recognition Program awards top sellers with many benefits once they reach total sales of $10,100 within a year.  These benefits include guaranteed 40% commission every campaign, free products, ability to order more demo products at a lower cost, etc.  Many women aspire to reach President’s Club every year, and with a fundraiser or two, the goal is easily attainable.  Every campaign invoice shows the rep’s total sales and how much more is needed to reach $10,100.

The Organization’s Benefits of an Avon Fundraiser

1.  The fundraising flyer makes it easy to run the fundraiser.  I remember being a Brownie Scout and going around the neighborhood to sell Girl Scout cookies.  It was a simple form to fill out, and Avon’s fundraising flyers remind me of my youth.  Just add up the quantities and the total amount of money collected, and you’ve got yourself a fundraiser.

2.  The products are well-known.  Avon turned 125 this year, and it still has a fantastic reputation.  The popular products featured on the flyers include Skin So Soft Original Bath Oil, Bubble Delight, Naturals sets, Nailwear Pro, Foot Works, Glimmersticks, and fragrances.  They are of high quality, and comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

3.  The products are cost-effective and affordable.  If you do a t-shirt sale, you might charge the $20 per shirt and the school would only make about $2 each (10%).  With Avon, if we use the GRHS example, if someone buys a Foot Works set for $10 the school gets $3 each (30%).  If I was offering the school a 40% cut, then they would get $4 each.  Also, all the products are full size so you get more for your money while supporting the school.

So how did I do on my first run?  Thanks to the snowstorm on Halloween (homecoming weekend), Thanksgiving, and the teacher’s convention in November, it was tough for the teachers to get the kids to sell.  About $200 was sold, so the school made $60 and I made $40.  Yes, it’s a little frustrating.  I hoped for more sales, but I’m $40 richer during the holiday season, I have new customers, I learned how to file for a tax exemption, and I learned how to start a fundraiser.  The selling part was out of my hands, but next time I want to be more involved to really boost my sales.