Tag Archives: Fortune 500

Girl Power

Like a love song on the radio after a breakup, mentions of Avon and anything revolving around its business seems to pop up everywhere!  Today I met the wife of a man who packages the Avon samples (such as the lip gloss bullet packs), another day I met someone whose relative works in their corporate offices, and yesterday I talked to another representative at my sales meeting about how I could get paid to test new products (something I do anyway)!

It was no surprise to me that when I saw a Chanel ad on the back cover of a magazine, my curiosity about what magazine audience the media planners at Chanel think they can reach (during this bad economy) enticed me to open to a random page.  It turned out to be my parents’ issue of Fortune (October 17), which now made perfect sense in ad placement, but what really caught my eye was the feature article “The 50 Most Powerful Women.”

I have more dreams and goals than I can keep track of, but one of them is to become a CEO of a Fortune 500 company.  It’s a big reach, but if I accomplish other goals I’ll have something to reach for.  With Avon, I may not be as far off from the target as I thought.

Andrea Jung, Chairman & CEO of Avon Products

Andrea Jung, the Chairman and CEO of Avon Products, is ranked as the sixth most powerful woman!  Last year she was #5, but she still ranks higher than Oprah Winfrey, Sheryl Sandberg (Facebook), Susan Wojcicki (Google), Rosalind Brewer (Wal-Mart), and more!  According to the list, Jung is the longest-serving woman CEO of a Fortune 500 company.  Imagine 12 years as Avon’s CEO!

Sometimes I forget that I work for a Fortune 500 company because how could something that’s so fun to do be part of a big moneymaking business?  Seeing this article has reminded me that I can make it to the top, and that anyone who thinks Avon’s brand is “low class” doesn’t know what they are talking about!  In its 125th year of business, sales have risen to nearly $11 billion! I don’t know about you, but that number doesn’t look cheap to me!

Someday, you’ll see me on that list.  Look out, Andrea! I’ll be taking over when you retire!

And if you want in on this revenue, send me an email: RedheadedAvonRep@yahoo.com